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Welcome to Bret Harte
Athletics & Booster Club

Making an impact by enriching our students' educational experience through supporting athletics, physical education and student-led clubs.

Bret Harte Athletics & Booster Club is a parent volunteer run organization. We hold monthly meetings and invite you to attend and get involved in our great organization that supports athletics, clubs, and physical education. BHBC supports many sports and clubs to suit your students interest.

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Bret Harte Athletics & Booster Club supports many sports and clubs to suit your student's interests. 

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The student club application process is managed by the school. Student Club advisor stipends are funded by Bret Harte Athletics and Booster Club. Please consider a donation to help us continue to fund these kinds of programs.

Calendar Pages


Please note: This Bret Harte Student Activities Calendar is maintained by Bret Harte administration. Bret Harte Booster Club is not responsible for the accuracy of its contents. When in doubt, please refer to emails sent by team coaches for most accurate information for practices and meets/games.

Bret Harte Athletics & Booster Club

7050 Bret Harte Drive

San Jose, CA 95120

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© 2024 by Bret Harte Middle School Athletics & Booster Club

SJUSD prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment), or bullying based on a person's real or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance and Title IX Coordinator or Director of Students Services, at, and Section 504 Coordinator or Director of Special Education at, 855 Lenzen Avenue, (408) 535-6000.


El Distrito Escolar Unificado de San José prohíbe la discriminación, intimidación, acoso (incluyendo el acoso sexual) o el hostigamiento tomando como base la ascendencia real o percibida de una persona, su color, discapacidad, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, la situación migratoria, nacionalidad, raza o etnia, religión, sexo, orientación sexual o asociación con una persona o un grupo con una o más de estas características reales o percibidas. Si tiene preguntas o quejas al respecto, comuníquese con la Coordinadora de Cumplimiento de Equidad y Título IX o la Directora de Servicios Estudiantiles a y con el Coordinador del Artículo 504 o el Director de Educación Especial a, 855 Lenzen Avenue, (408) 535-6000.

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